Created with an idea from another Tier one pistol drill. It has been tested a few times with some squared away pistol shooters, I have shot it about 10 times and the highest score Ive got so far is a 38. A perfect 40 is certainly achievable, but it takes perfect manipulations.
I will try to post a video sometime in the near future...
Please post a video of it if you're successful, or at least pm me. Feed back welcome
This drill is designed to test the advanced level shooter, Please do not attempt it if your a basic/entry level Pistol shooter. first seek professional level instruction. Firearms are inherently and unavoidably dangerous, Always observe the firearms safety rules.
Distance: all shots at 5 yards
Time: All shots at 5 Seconds. “Match timer”
Total Rounds: 40 …..32 points is the minimum score
Rules of engagement:
1 point possible, per round fired.
All head hits are scored.
A-zone body hits are scored.
Standard IDPA target.
All Over times are, -1 point each. (mark them as you go)
Strong hand only, from holster.
4 hits body, 1 hit head
Support hand only, from holster.
1 hit body
From Guard, Support hand only, (transfer pistol to support side hand at buzzer)
3 hits body, 1 hit head
Standard presentation.
7 hits body, 1 hit head
Standard presentation.
5 hits body
Slide lock, Speed load
2 hits body
Standard presentation.
2 hits body
Slide lock, Speed load
Fail to stop
From pointed in.
Empty chamber, fully loaded/inserted magazine
Shooter receives a “click”, performs type one Malfunction clearance drill.
6 hits to the body, 1 hit to the head
From guard.
1 hit body
Slide lock, speed load
1 hit body
Slide lock, speed load
1 hits body
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